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Thursday, November 27, 2008

All Things Un-Writing


Not that I'm procrastinating or anything...

I just can't seem to get any significant writing done this month. My usual monthly word count is right up there, but ever since I signed on for NaNoWriMo, I've had no end of distractions and minor, unimportant, annoyances to keep me away from the computer.

All November I've managed to blog, plurk, twitter and email as usual, but the moment I sit down with a spare half day to get some real writing work done.... [insert sigh here]

What is it about November that makes it unsuitable for writing? Is it too close to Christmas? Maybe the "silly season" has started early this year. I've already noticed a manic pace around the streets.

Whatever the cause, it has started to intrude upon my quiet writing space.

I still haven't given up on NaNoWriMo. I won't make my 50,000 word count,  but I'm going down fighting. Even with the distractions, I've written more than 20,000 words. That's not bad considering how little time I've had.

So, if you're out there somewhere struggling with your writing and feeling like you're not getting anywhere, you're not alone. I'm struggling away here too.

It's a writer thing, I think. We just never give up. Even if it's only a paragraph a day, we keep on writing.

Smile, fellow writers, it's only November. It too will pass.


Brittany K.




Glenloth Earth Tones Art at Zazzle

Gypsy Stone Dukkering

Casting the Stones

Long before the Tarot became synonymous with fortune telling, Gypsies used the natural world around them to help them see into the troubled hearts of those who came seeking knowledge and guidance.
River stones, gems, crystals, sticks, needles and bones were often used by the dunkerer [dukkerer] or palm reader.
I love using my own set of river stones that I personally hand picked and charged with healing energy.
When I read, I'm not so much telling a fortune, as looking into the heart of the energy surrounding the person I'm reading for. I believe this gives a more accurate insight into what is at the heart of a problem or situation and can provide real, down to earth ways of helping people deal with what life sometimes throws at them.
Casting the stones is something I love and I hope to continue with my readings for as long as life will allow.

Láshi Baxt Me Zhav Tute

(May Good Luck from me go with you)

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