While taking a quick look around Ontario, we drove up to Port Honey and Port Severn. Such pretty little places along the lake shores. Everywhere we looked, it was like a picture post card. I even stopped taking photos after a while. It is impossible to capture everything. No camera would do the scenery justice anyway. It really is like you see in books and on TV.
The colours are amazing. The birds and wildlife is amazing. So different to ours. Even the common, every day nuisance animals up here are beautiful to me. I've fallen in love with squirrels, chipmonks, red winged blackbirds, and my favourite so far, the turkey vultures. Yep. I love them. They are so graceful and powerful. Such a beautiful bird.
Here's some more scenery from around Port Severn to keep you amazed, and hopefully, just a little jealous!
The water looked blue from a distance, but up close when you peer down into it, it is quite dark. Almost black. This is due to tannins in the water.
There were heaps of these pretty little islands all over the place. All the bigger ones had houses on them. Imagine owning your own island. Unreal.