At last, after months of agonizing, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's almost finished.
I'm talking about my new poetry anthology, "Where the Night Things Are".
with Eternal Press.
Not only is this my second poetry anthology to be published by Eternal Press, but it is also a "labor or love".
"Where the Night Things Are" has been loads of fun to write. It's full of nice little creepy poems about all those things that go 'bump' in the night.
It's not scary, dark and dreary. It is a light-hearted look at the dark side of life.
For example: One of the poems I've included is based on a real event that happened to me some time back.
I called around to see a friend
one wintry, rainy eve.
We ate, we drank and
shared some laughs
until I took my leave.
I walked the streets as darkness fell,
in the town where I had grown.
Two blocks was all
I had to go to
take me to my home.
Footsteps behind me I did hear
and I headed for the light.
Should I run, or stop?
Or turn to see
who followed me that night?
Reaching the light, I turned around,
but there was no-one there.
He'd hidden in the bushes.
Of the danger
I was aware.
My heart beat loud; I could hardly hear
the steps that followed me.
I'd only one more
block to go
until I was home free.
his steps behind not far.
Two more corners
to go around.
Why didn't I take my car?
He was closing in on me.
Around the corner
I could see my house
and felt compelled to flee.
The light was brighter. I dared a glance.
The question forever moot.
Not who, but what...
No stranger I found.
Just my coat against my boot.
So... keep an eye out for "Where the Night Things Are" at Eternal Press, and enjoy a giggle or two at the creepier side of life.