If you like a good vampire tale, keep a look out for:
October 2008
Shadow on the Crystal
Cover by Dawne Dominique
September 2008
Sword of Anubis
Cover by Ally Robertson
Both covers blew me away. I love them! I hope you do too.
I also hope you'll enjoy the stories. Thanks to some wonderful editing from Deborah Nemeth, these two historical tales have sprung into life. Don't forget to keep an eye out for them at Eternal Press.
Also don't forget, my art exhibition is fast approaching. And, yes, I'm still throwing ink all over canvases [and everything else] in an attempt to have some new paintings to show off.
Add to all this: At long, long last, spring is approaching and I've been trying to get outside into the garden to gain some sort of control over the jungle before the summer hits. I did manage to scare a few weeds into submission yesterday. I hope word has gone out through the weed vine that I'll be out there again today and possibly tomorrow looking for victims to add to the compost. Sneaky little weeds. They think they can run riot all over my garden..... I'll show them.... hahahahahhhah!