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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympic Fever

It's that time again...

Every four years I suffer from a strange condition: Olympic Fever.

Some of my friends are also suffering from this strange condition. It hits us every four years and keeps us virtually housebound and glued to our televisions.

Suddenly I begin to watch sport. Not only that, but I become an instant armchair expert on every sport I watch. You name it - I can judge it from the comfort of my own lounge room.

Well... that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it! What better reason could there be to stay inside on a cold winter's day? And just so I don't feel totally bad about staying indoors, I do odd things like catching up on the ironing, polishing the floors, mending clothes, catching up on my writing and editing and getting some painting done - the artistic type. This morning during the beach vollyball and men's basketball I even cleaned all the windows - the insides at least.

All in the name of fun!

Good luck to all our Olympians! You're all heroes.


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Glenloth Earth Tones Art at Zazzle

Gypsy Stone Dukkering

Casting the Stones

Long before the Tarot became synonymous with fortune telling, Gypsies used the natural world around them to help them see into the troubled hearts of those who came seeking knowledge and guidance.
River stones, gems, crystals, sticks, needles and bones were often used by the dunkerer [dukkerer] or palm reader.
I love using my own set of river stones that I personally hand picked and charged with healing energy.
When I read, I'm not so much telling a fortune, as looking into the heart of the energy surrounding the person I'm reading for. I believe this gives a more accurate insight into what is at the heart of a problem or situation and can provide real, down to earth ways of helping people deal with what life sometimes throws at them.
Casting the stones is something I love and I hope to continue with my readings for as long as life will allow.

Láshi Baxt Me Zhav Tute

(May Good Luck from me go with you)

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